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Twitter Translations

links to translations posted on twitter

[i have a hunch there are a few more translations out there that i can't think of or find at the moment; if you happen to come across any of them, my mailbox/dms are always open, thanks a bunch <3]

//additional translations may be found in the thread below the initial tweet//

(fusetter) Some notes from the FFXV AI event held at B&B in Tokyo on 7/12/19!

Episode Ardyn Info from 4/4/19 Famitsu Magazine

(fusetter) 3/27/19 Famitsu Interview with FFXV Episode Ardyn's Dev Team

March 2019 ATR Thread

December 2019 FFXV Animate Talkshow Event Report

December 2018 Kingsglaive Showing Talk Show


Vol. 1 of "The Silence of Knowledge" (Gladio's book) Excerpt Translation Attempt

FF Versus XIII Trailer Short Clip Translation for Ignis's 2019 Birthday Celebration (Ignis and Noctis) 

Random tidbits from the FFXV Ultimania book:

Talcott and Cid

The Caricaturist in Altissia

Man Lying on a Bench in Lestallum

Twitter Translations: 概要
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