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After taking down(?) Ardyn, Car-kun heads to Angelgard to find Noct...

(1) C: Noct!!!! I'm coming for you!!!!

(2) "Noct"

(3) C: Wh--Kenny?!

You were the the true enemy this whole time?!?!

(4) K: Yes... Now let's ask ourselves who could FFXV's true mascot possibly be? The one who stands victorious in this competition is none other than I, Kenny Crow!!! 

C: Did they ever take an official vote on this?!

(5) C: Wait a sec, obviously there's only one option and that's me!

Ahhhh!!! It's the "Carbuncles Prohibited Area" sign again!!

(6) C: Power, come to meeeee!!!!!

(7) C: Noct...Noct...Noct...Noct...Noct...

(8) C: Noct!!!!! This (<strike>world</strike>) game system means nothing to me!!!

#18: 概要

(1) C: Noct!!!!

(2) C: Noct, wake up...

(3) *roll* *roll* *roll* 

(4) Carrot's Light

N: ...Ugh! Didn't I carrots...

(6) C: "...And so he was saved by the courageous Carbuncle. Possessing a strength rivaling that of Papa Regis, Noctis came to be one of the finest kings to ever exist, and at long last, he lived in peace and harmony..."

The end!

K: Don't forget to throw in some publicity for the Crow's Nest.

V: I know you're pushing for me to publish this but...

(7) C: I can't wait for my story to be published as a novel in April!

G: Is that right?

When will Car-kun's novel be released...?!

#18: 概要
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Umbra and Pryna's Snack Time

Episode 18: Excited for the Novel's Release

Car-kun: Who would've thought the true antagonist of Episode Carbuncle was Kenny this whole time...

Pryna: Which reminds me, Kenny Crow was added as an extra battle as of the March 25th FFXV Comrades update.

Umbra: Gotta keep an eye out for the Kenny invasion in the credits, at least from what I've heard.

Car-kun: He's really throwing himself into the spotlight...Kenny...

Umbra: Maybe calling him the "true mascot" isn't far from the truth.

Car-kun: L-Leaving that aside, Final Fantasy XV -The Dawn of the Future- is coming out on April 25th!

Pryna: We will be able to read new stories about Ardyn, Aranea, Lunafreya, and Noctis.

Car-kun: And me, Car-kun...

Umbra: Huh? But Car-kun, you weren't in the announcement.

Car-kun: Take a closer look at the cover.

#18: 概要
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Umbra and Pryna's Snack Time Cont.

Pryna: All I see is the blissful sight of Noctis and Lunafreya.

Car-kun: The blue particles dancing around them, that's me!

Umbra: Did you explode or something?

Pryna: Even a convenient explanation has its limits.

Car-kun: When the novel's released, I think I'll make my way over to the Other World to get a copy of my own. Umbra, Pryna, until next time!

Pryna: Oh right, I had forgotten to tell you, but this is in fact our last Episode Carbuncle and Snack Time.

Car-kun: What......

Umbra: It's a bummer, but this is goodbye for now.

Pryna: We look forward to seeing everyone again somewhere!

Car-kun: Wait, why is it the first time I'm hearing about this?!?!?!  ...Watching over Noct is a journey that goes on forever...! 

#18: 概要

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