A long while has passed since Car-kun and his crew first embarked on their journey.
(2) H: What's with the beard?
C: I heard you either had to grow a beard or sport a few more scars to show that time's gone by.
From someone on the dev team.
"Example: Ravus (from Episode Ignis)"
H: Guess it's official!
(3) Insomnia
It's been a while.
(4) C: Noct's gotta be inside this blue stone!
(5) C: Noooct! Please hurry up and get out of there! Your dear Car-kun's in tears!!
(6) *Silence*
Not here.
(7) Bahamut: Enough with that terrible racket!
(1) C: Not even a single scratch.
C: We need to hit it with an even stronger attack...
(5) Did they do it...?!
Umbra and Pryna's Snack Time
Episode 17: Talcott's Growth
Pryna: We see a bearded Ravus make an appearance in Episode Ignis Extra Verse.
Umbra: Beards and scars, sounds about right... Talcott was only a kid, but he grew up to be a fine young man in those ten years.
Pryna: Talcott became a hunter during the ten-year span. It seems he even trained under Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis.
Umbra: He grew really close to Prompto, whose friendly personality helped bring them on familiar enough terms for Talcott to comfortably call him "Prompto." (*without any suffix)
Pryna: Yes. Incidentally, Talcott became a hunter to survive in this world shrouded in darkness, but that's not all... Talcott grew up watching Jared, a retainer of House Amicitia, master the basics of fighting, and had been fascinated by combat ever since. Burdened by his failure to protect Jared, Talcott wished to become strong to protect those he holds dear, and chose the path of a hunter.
Umbra: So that's why... Well now that Episode Ardyn Prologue's been released, do we have any other info on Ardyn?
Pryna: He enjoys wine and chess. Long ago, in fact, he and Somnus used to play chess against each other. Even though Ardyn was the older sibling, Somnus had a fierce competitive spirit and would insist on playing without any handicaps. Ardyn once regarded that side of Somnus with approval.
Umbra: Brothers who used to get along so well...Does Ardyn have anyone he plays against now?
Pryna: Now...I presume he plays by himself.
Umbra: O-Oh...